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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 8, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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changes. by 2020 it may be the nation others turn to as an example of what green really means. much more on that and everything else that we have been covering on our website, the address, ♪ we have no idea if they want to bomb us. >> donald trump taking his rhetoric to a whole new level, calling for a ban on muslims, a look at the political fallout. the house preparing to vote on whether to crack down on visas in the name of national security. and the supreme court tackling a voting right's case. ♪
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this is al jazeera america live in new york city. i'm del walters. donald trump not backing down from his call to temporarily ban all muslims from coming into the country. >> we will have many, many more world trade centers, as sure as you are sitting there, our country will never be the same, and you just said it, until our countries representatives can figure out what is going on. we have no choice but to do this. >> that is what he had to say earlier this morning, as the white house and others are saying the republican standard barer is trying to divide america, the reaction has been swift. jeb bush calling trump unhinged, adding his policy proposals are not serious. lindsey graham saying: bernie sanders saying that trump wants americans to hate all muslims. and hillary clinton calling his
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remarks reprehensible. also just this morning, house speaker paul ryan coming down hard on trump. ryan saying that trump's views do not represent conservative republicans. mike viqueira is live for us in washington, d.c. >> reporter: this is very unusual for the brand new speaker of the house. he has been trying to focus over the course of the last month, his speakership still in its infancy on what is going on in the house of representatives. trying to bring some reconciliation particularly in the republican party. this is not going to help. it exposes the rifts in the republican party. the majority of the republican party if truth be known who are
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very, very skittish about donald trump and have been, and this comment really puts it over the top. he felt compelled today. the question was put to him, and he was ready for it. >> this is not conservatism. what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for. and more importantly, it's not what this country standings for. not only are there many muslims serving in our armed forces dying for this country, there are muslims serving right here in the house, working to uphold the constitution. some of our best and biggest allies in this struggle and fight against radical islamic terror are muslims. >> reporter: not only is pall ryan speaking about some of the gulf states and other states around the world who are predominantly muslim, but look, over 3500 muslim americans who
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have fought in the wars in iraq and afghanistan, some 2.75 million american muslims del. >> and also the house beginning taking up the debate about the visa waiver program. what new restrictions does this pose? >> reporter: this is a rare moment of unity between republicans and democrats. citizens of 38 countries, either allied or friendly to the united states, do not have to get visas to come to the united states. that's the program as it standing right now. potentially it effects millions of people. what this bill will do, and it is a bipartisan bill, would say if citizens from those countries have visited iraq, iran, syria, or sudan since the year 2011, then they are going to have to go through the visa waiver program -- they are going to have to go through the visa program and get a visa.
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they are not barred from coming to this country, they are just going to have to go through the regular procedure. the house is expected to pass this relatively easily in the coming hours. and then it will go on to the center where rapid passage is also expected, del. >> thank you very much. the cofounder and senior faculty member of [ inaudible ] college joins us now. first of all your reaction to mr. trump's comments. >> i think mr. trump is providing a mirror image of isis in the sense of saying that muslims don't belong in america. that's exactly what isis is saying, muslims don't belong in america, and they are trying to stimulate or engage in actions that might stimulate the -- the fear that we see, and the hate mongering that we see that will make it so uncomfortable for muslim to be here, that they might start to think that.
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we have to come together and realize we're a nation of immigrants, and those immigrants hail from originally our fathers, grandfathers, some voluntarily, some involuntarily, came here from all over the world. and violence is a problem that affects all of us. we have had 360 mass shootings in this country this year. two have involved muslims. they are tragic, horrible, and unfortunate. but we have to look at all of the causes of violence, and not single out a single group because of their religious affiliation. >> let's begin with the republican party. what do you think the republican party should do? should donald trump be disinvited from any uncopping debates, and if not what does that say about the republican party itself. >> i think paul ryan spoke very articulately for the republican party. i don't need to speak for them. behave freedom of speech and
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ideas such as those being promulgated by mr. trump are put out there, you will have intelligent people responding and reacting in intelligent ways. unfortunately there are those that are prone to the uphills of demagogue, and we just have to work through that and allow the truth to manifest itself, and for responsible people to stand up and be responsible and advocate our pollties and strategies to deal with the issue of violence, the issue of terrorism, in ways that reflect our intelligence and that are also consistent with our values. >> but now even as you were speaking, i was just told by our producers that ted cruz has come out, and he wants to propose a three-year moratorium on anybody coming in from territories or countries controlled by isil. so it's not just donald trump now that is saying he believes muslims should not be allowed to enter the united states, so what
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does that say about the republican party? >> again, i think that we have to appeal to reason. there are reasonable people within the republican party. obviously there are demagogues that are taking advantage of the climate of fear and confusion and insecurity. i think we just have to push the republicans and all other parties to consider, reconsider the -- the policies of war, the failed policies that have created organizations and groups that are -- are engaging or encouraging violence all over the world, and that's going to take clear heads, so the clear heads in the republican party have to be appealed to. the demagogues have to be challenged. the statements have to be challenged. and i think we can work through this. >> are you disapp pointed that other minorities have not come out and condemned the statements
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of donald trump. he took aim at megyn kelly saying that she was bleeding from everywhere, then it was mexicans, calling them crooks and rapists, now muslims, the "washington post" calling him a racist and a bigot. do you agree? >> i think these are race-baiting statements. and definitely other minorities are affected. this -- what you see is the fear and insecurity around the unknown. muslims generally are an isolated community here. generally speaking. and so that leaves room for the unknown. room for doubt. in that fear, insecurity is being used to advance policies that effect african americans, that effect latinos, that effect all minorities in this country. so certainly there has to be a coalition, and on the ground at the grassroots level, there is a
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lot of support from four muslims, not just from african americans and latinos, but across the ethnic and racial spectrum in this country, so i think maybe it's not on the news yet. maybe organizations such as yourself haven't reached out to the right people, but there are people out there who are expressing support for muslims at this very sensitive time, and muslims have reached out and expressed support for others. so we need to come together as a nation and we need to challenge demagogues such as trump or ted cruz or anyone else, and we also have to begin to examine failed policies. there was no such thing as jihadists, until we created it ourselves to fight the soviets in afghanistan. there was no such thing as isis, until we tore apart iraq, engaged in the [ inaudible ] program that alienated sunnis,
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pumped tons of weapons into syria, which ended up in then hands of isis, so we need to look at and exam the failed policies that have created the organizations and environment that feeds this current tension and the animosity that we see coming from some quarters, and i think it is laudable that as a country you don't see this type of backlash that you might see in other places, so we just need to build on the positive things. we need to isolate the negative things. >> okay. i'm going to have to leave it at that. because we are running out of time. thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you. it's unclear whether trump's call for a ban on all muslims coming into this country will hurt his business dealings in the middle east. in 1995 trump partnered with an
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investment group linked to the saadry prince to buy a hotel. it is also thinking about other investments in dubai, qatar, and saudi arabia. a muslim doctor says he was unfairly detained. an anesthesiologist says he was held at houston's airport after landing. he blames what happened on fear. >> if we send a message or signal to other muslim countries that we don't like your people in our country, it's a clear signal, that, hey, it's almost like a shove, and we need to be very careful. >> instead of getting angry, he instead wrote an op-ed message. he said the message is to caution against inflammatory rhetoric aimed at muslims.
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trumps comments came after the attack in san bernardino. we know the shooters had target practice in the days before they opened fire. melissa chan has more. >> we are continuing to be extremely methodical. we have brought in a reconstruction team. we have collected over 320 pieces of evidence, and we have transported a number of those pieces of evidence to washington, d.c. primarily to our fbi laboratory, to our bomb lab. >> reporter: among that evidence documentation that the couple had been honing their shooting skills. >> we do have evidence that both of these subjects did some target -- participated in target practice in some ranges within the metro area, or within the los angeles area. that target practice on one occasion was done within days of this event. >> reporter: monday's new information comes in part from more than 400 interviews they
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have conducted. and atf say it now has more details about the guns connected to syed farook. >> farook purchased the llama and springfield 9-meter pistols that were recovered at the scene as well as the salve -- savage rival recovered. >> reporter: much has shifted to are fook -- farook's wife. local leaders say what is important is trying to get things back to normal. >> the purpose of terrorism is to make ordinary people afraid to do the ordinary things.
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last wednesday was an ordinary day in san bernardino county. it was a day when a group of our employees were gathered. these were dedicated public servants. to honor them, to express our gratitude for their unimaginable sacrifice, we have to fight to maintain that ordinary. we can't be afraid. >> reporter: that may be easier said than done with each new development in the investigation, a dramatic turn for people here following every step of the story. when we come back, new concerns about another outbreak of e. coli, dozens more say they got sick at chipotle. and the aclu preparing to battle the newly sworn in governor of kentucky.
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people at boston college are sick after eating at a chipotle restaurant this weekend. the restaurant is closed while health officials investigate. a spokesperson for the company saying what happened is an's lighted incident. kentucky has a new governor today. he has already promised to stand behind kim davis, she is that count think clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. >> we are preparing to battle some potential unconstitutional practices from the new
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administration. waiting to see what types of legislation the governor pushes, when the general assembly putting forward. >> he already promised to undo the state's health insurance exchange. that was a key part of his predecessor's administration. the supreme court taking up several big cases this week. today they are talking about elections, whether every american really gets a vote. >> it's important to equalize voters or people. >> reporter: that question is before the supreme court as it ventures to settle the constitutional meaning of one person, one vote. in texas as in many other states, legislative districts are created based on the state's total population. but the plaintiffs say that's not fair. and that people who don't or can't vote shouldn't count when deciding on the size of a district. >> what the challengers are saying is that we want our votes
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to count just as much as those of our neighbors across town. and the way you do that is equalizing citizens of voting age or eligible voters. >> reporter: this is a democrat who represents northwest dallas, he says if the plaintiff wins there will be fewer districts like his in poor areas that tend to have fewer voters. >> in district 103 we have a larger percentage of low socioeconomic status. we have more persons who speak spanish and languages other than english in the home. >> reporter: he says about two in five people here are non-citizens, meaning they are not eligible to vote. >> they can either be legal permanent residents, they can be visa holders or some undocumented. >> reporter: next door is a republican district encompassing
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a wealthy white community. though nearly equal in population, the wealthier district has almost twice the number of registered voters. if the lawsuit prevails the wealthier district may conceivably split in two. don't those few wield more of a voice? >> i don't think so. you could argue the opposite is true, because there are more voters in these other districts that candidates are more often going to be campaigning and devoting resources in those districts. >> reporter: the aclu says the lawsuit is an effort to shift more power to the right. >> if this were to succeed, i think what you would see is more rural counties would have more representation than they do now, and fast-growing metropolitan
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areas that are much more ethnically mixed that are much younger, those places would have much less rep sentation. up next, trying to escape the violence. more and more children crossing the u.s.-mexican border by themselves.
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the blade runner will stay under house arrest as he appeals his murder conviction. oscar pistorius in court day,
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days after the supreme court upgraded his conviction to murder in connection to the death of of his girlfriend. the government saying the number of undocumented minors crossing the mexican border has been cut in half this year. but that's not the case everywhere. >> reporter: this is maria from el salvador. she is 17, a minor. in the custody of authorities. she told us why she left. >> translator: because there was a tragedy in my family. they killed my brother. i say who it was and how he was killed. >> reporter: she says nobody
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knows why her brother was shot, but it happened right outside her family's front door. maria heard the gunfire, went outside, and when she fell down beside her wounded brother, he moved. >> translator: and the man noticed that he moved, and that's when he shot him again in the heard. >> reporter: oh, my god. the gunmen pointed his weapon at maria but then ran off without a word. her uncle was gunned down a week later, though the family isn't sure if it was related. >> translator: i was never afraid that the man would come after me. but my aunt said it's too dangerous for you to be here in el salvador, and i agreed. i will leave and live in dallas with my aunt. we'll worry about the paperwork later. her aunt sent money for her to way chi tees, human smugglers to
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bring her to the u.s. she made it here where the coyotes stashed her in a safe house. mexican authorities are often part of the problem, shaking migrants down for money, even colluding with any cartels and coyotes. the plan was for the smugglers to bring maria and the others to the rio grand, and then they would swim or raft across to texas. but before that could happen, maria said the coyotes sold everybody's money and cell phones and left them just moments before the police came. >> when we haeshd the police, we all hit the floor. >> reporter: her journey ended before she became a u.s. border
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patrol statistic. but when you look at records of minors mostly from central america caught crossing the border from august to october of 2014, compare them with this year, you see much higher numbers and rising at a much faster rate. the engine arriving that increase is violence. in october about the time maria left home, the united nations put out a report, warning of a looming refugee crisis as gang violence spiralled out of control in el salvador, guatemala, and honduras. women are especially vulnerable. this year el salvador moved into first place in the world for the rate in murders of women. this sister runs a migrant shelter in the town. [ applause ] >> reporter: dozens sometimes
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hundreds of people pass through here every day. and what are they saying? >> the stories are that the violence in their country is really bad. the women are saying that they fear for their lives; that they are afraid, and so this is what we're hearing. >> reporter: maria says she won't stay in el salvador. she is already making plans for the next time she leaves home and heads north. paul beban al jazeera. and finally it appears that jeb bush is really not the master of his own domain. anyone trying to visit is redirected to it is thanks for joining us. i'm del walters live from new york. the news is next live from london, and you can always find us 24 hours a day by going to
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our website,, where the news never stops. ♪ as ever more foreign fighters head to syria, the u.s. announces plans for an international conference to end the fighting. ♪ hello there. you are watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up in the next 30 minutes. >> donald j trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. >> donald trump calls for all muslims to be banned from entering the u.s. there is furious reaction across